Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blonde hair???

What is the best brand I can buy at my local drugstore to dye my hair blonde? I have medium/dark brunette hair.

Blonde hair???

Loreal any day. just ensure you read the instructions that come in the pack and follow then meteculously.

happy colouring %26amp; cheers.

Blonde hair???

Loreal for sure I have used this one and it works great and less damaging for hair good luck

Blonde hair???

I would go to a salon, because I tried several different brands and it did't work.

Blonde hair???

Sorry, but you can't DYE your hair blonde. You'd have to BLEACH it.

Blonde hair???

uhm go to the salon other way wthout it looking way fake and plus dying you hair blonde is really high maintence and usually makes chicks not as cute.

Blonde hair???

In order to truly get your hair blonde, you have to bleach the "brunette" out and then dye it the color you want. The home bleaching kits are hell on your scalp and hair. If you don't leave the paste on long enough your hair will turn out bright orange or pink (which is the natural progression of the bleach on your hair, but still looks freaky). And, then, you have to think about touching up the roots in a few weeks, which is even harder to do on your own. I'm speaking from experience here, GO TO A PROFESSIONAL! I tried it on my own, and ended up having to seek professional help to fix what I screwed up and spent literally 10 times as much just to get it fixed. Good luck!

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