Saturday, May 5, 2012

Is long blonde hair in style?

long blonde hair that is about half way down my back ( about 20 inches) not freaky long... it is a dirty blond.. but a little blonder. and no bangs or layers.. just a classic cut and i am a tall and normal skinny.. is it in fashion to have my hair like this. ( i wear it straightened, wavy/curly, or in a classic ponytail with straight hair) by the way my hair is perfictly healthy and shiny and whatever..

Is long blonde hair in style?

Long blonde hair is always in style girl! Wear ur hair how u like it and rock it!

Is long blonde hair in style?

I might suggest layers, but I bet a lot of girls out there are jealous of that long of hair that is actually healthy. that rocks!

Is long blonde hair in style?

hmm i think that might be a bit too long, but it also depends on ur age.

Is long blonde hair in style?

you should get it cut and layered. add some highlites

Is long blonde hair in style?

Any hairstyle can be in as long as you make it look good.

Is long blonde hair in style?

It's always in style.

Is long blonde hair in style?

Only if its platinum blond.

Is long blonde hair in style?

i agree with tennis. Layers would be good :)

Is long blonde hair in style?

Honestly, it's about what looks good on you and what makes you feel better. It sounds like you spice it up a bit making it curly one day and straight the next. Maybe you're asking this questions because you're looking for a change??? In that case, check out magazines or talk to your hair dresser for ideas. You say your hair is healthy and healthy is in style for sure!

Is long blonde hair in style?

it sounds like u have beautiful hair...but try 2 spicen it up with layers or bangs or highlights or sumthin.

hope this helps!

Is long blonde hair in style?

thats kool if your young

layers are kool but not too many

and if your into bangs go for it

but long side swept

hope this helped!

Is long blonde hair in style?

chop some of that hair off and give it to locks of love!

Is long blonde hair in style?

As long as its healthy Long hair is always in.

Is long blonde hair in style?

i do notlike long hair maby like 10 inches downthe back at the longest

Is long blonde hair in style?

Any kind of hair is "in style". =)

Is long blonde hair in style?

It's pretty when you straighten it and then tie it up into a ponytail.

Is long blonde hair in style?

i acctually don't see that much blonde hair anymore. lots of girls are dying it a darker brown. but i think if you cut it a little bit and add some layers and highlights you'd look cute.

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